Yesterday I was outside with my husband trimming an overgrown tree. He was interrupted and had to leave so I took the time to sit in the shade, take my shoes off, and plant the bottoms of my feet on the ground in front of me and the palms of my hands on the ground behind me as I leaned back. Living in the Midwest doesn’t offer me this opportunity all year so when the weather is nice, I like to practice grounding.
Grounding. As a teenager, that word had a much different connotation than it does today. As I continue to explore more ways to improve my health, I am reminded of the scene from my favorite movie, Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts and Richard Gere are both dressed in nice clothes in the park and she is by the fountain stating she wants to, “cop a squat”. They find a beautiful place under the shade of a tree and while he is busy on the phone, she begins to take off his shoes and socks,
then solidly place his feet on the bare grass. Later in the movie, there is a scene where Richard Gere is conflicted about a business meeting and makes a bold move, then walks out of said meeting and heads to the park where he proceeds to take off his shoes and socks, roll up his pant legs and connect with the earth once again. Without it being spoken, it is understood he is finding comfort and solace in his decision as he takes root with the ground.
While I don’t know all of the research behind grounding, there are some claims that it is very beneficial for many health reasons. I personally feel it is relaxing and great for managing stress. I especially enjoy grounding at the beach with my toes in the sand.
Last night I took a Vinyasa Flow Yoga class and our instructor Katie had a theme for the evening to ponder as she made mention throughout class about being grounded. WOW! I had to take advantage of the theme throughout my day to share with all of you. Here is the reading she shared at the end of class that resonated with me.
When you get the chance, try out grounding and see what you think. Click on the article below for more information:

The Healing Benefits of Grounding the Human Body